Monday, November 26, 2007

Hanukkah hammerer

A priest named Mattathias in the village of Modi'in, led revolt against Antiochus' persecution of the Jews. He refused to offer sacrifice to idols and killed the officer who told him the king's orders. It was his and his supporters strict obedience to the Torah that led them to victory. Mattathais' son Judas Maccabaeus, "the hammerer," led this revolt, defeated the Greeks, and gave us Hanukkah.

The Hanukkah story is not in the Bible but is alluded to in the book of Daniel and the Gospels--more on that later. We can find the story in the Book of Maccabees, which is not a book of the Hebrew Bible nor most Bibles, but is considered reliable history.

More about the Maccabees

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