Monday, February 11, 2008

Rock, Paper, Scissors

I never played the Rock, Paper, Scissors game as a kid, but I have played it a few times oddly enough as an adult because I felt that it was an unfortunate omission from my childhood, as was Sesame Street , Chutes & Ladders, and Candy Land. But I am not bitter. Did I mention 3-2-1 Contact? The Electric Company?

Anyway, this game popped into my head yesterday morning and it seemed an apt way to describe Adonai.

Paper: God gave us His Word;

Scissors: We violate that Word (over and over again) and should be permanently cut-off from Him;

Rock: But God, in His never-ending mercy gives us Himself, Yeshua which literally means "God Saves," as the Rock of our salvation, our covering.

Back to my childhood: amongst other TV memories, I do remember watching Romper Room and Davey & Goliath quite a bit. In the first, I learned to walk on those cups with the plastic, stretchy ropes that you hold onto--cup stilts, I guess. Imagine that, they are called cup-stilts! In the second program, I remember a small character who learned a lot of good lessons and who had a very wise dog, oddly named Goliath...but the metaphor still works. This same Davey, who as an adult I learned, was David who killed Goliath, a giant of a man, with a slingshot and a rock by trusting in the Rock of His Salvation.

Psalm 18
:2 "The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in Him I take refuge; my shield, and my horn of salvation, my high tower" (JPS)

Shavua Tov! - - Good Week!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

You're remarkably well-balanced for a woman who missed all those important parts of childhood. I don't understand how Sesame Street passed you by.