Monday, December 17, 2007

Muslim Aids Jews

If you haven't heard about this story, it's worth reading:
Muslim Aids Jews attacked on NY Subway

nutshell: some young people (10 were arrested) feeling oh so Christian-like were shouting "Merry Christmas!" and 4 young Jewish folks responded with "Happy Chanukah!" In response one of the Christians bared his arm to show a tattoo of Jesus, (more than likely the blond-haired, blue-eyed version), and then voiced the ridiculously ignorant accusation about Jews killing Jesus, and even more ignorantly, he added, "they did it during Chanukah." Not quite, on either count. (If you read a post from a few weeks ago, I killed Jesus.) Anyway, while a Jewish man was being pummeled, a young Muslim guy stepped in to help the Jewish man. And so the Jew and the Muslim went to dinner (albeit with cuts, bruises, and black eyes) and the Christians went to jail. They pleaded not guilty but may be charged with hate crimes. We can only hope.

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