Monday, October 22, 2007

Do you want to know a secret? Well do you?

Many verses of Scripture are abused by twistings and misinterpretations. Deuteronomy 29:29 is one such verse. And in addition to a twisting, this verse often suffers omission and it is that omitted part that holds a directive and a treasure for believers.

Deut 29:29 "(1)The secret things belong to the LORD our God, (2)but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." (NIV)

The first part is the often twisted piece. It is often tossed around when someone is questioning why God would allow something to happen, particularly a bad something. It was tossed into my life when my father died at 47. A Pentecostal/Word of Faith Pastor who had visited him at home just days prior to his death first said to my confused, grieving mother that perhaps my father died because he doubted his faith. When she responded with incredulity, he then said, "Well the secret things belong to the Lord." Great. I am glad that God has secrets, that He knows much more than we do. But...

I think in this instance I would have much more appreciated the pastor reminding us: "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His godly ones" (Psalm 116:15). [Of course I did not know that verse then--as it was my father's faith through his illness and death that brought me to Yeshua in 1995--but that is another story.]

Now to the second part of the verse, often omitted or glossed over in Christian teaching which if we omit its truth, maybe we should omit the entire Old Testament--including the much-quoted Psalms . . . Anyway, this verse is stating that what God reveals to us and what He's given us in His Word are such that we might live according to those things. That we might choose life and follow Him (Deut 30:19-20). As mentioned before, when "the law" is mentioned, it usually refers to Torah. So could this verse be saying that God has revealed to us things and given us knowledge so that we would follow Torah?

I think the answer is YES. And it appears that the "but" which begins the 2nd part may even add more weight to this argument. Could we think of it this way: yes there are things that we don't know, that we don't understand, God's secrets. BUT the things that you know, that God has made clear, do those things. And what can be more clear and a more beautiful experience than following God's instructions as Jesus did in His earthly life? What will you do?

1 comment:

Paul said...

I think you make many excellent points. In many cases our spirit understand the secret things of God even when our mind does not. The problem is we try to come up with an earthly answer to why someone died or this or that happened.

Here is what I know. We were created by G_d in his image unlike everything else we were created by His hands and had His breath blown into us nostrils. Everything else was created by words. G_d has great mercy and love for his people "Hebrews and thoses covered in the blood of Yeshua". How many people are away when we come to G_d in the name of Yeshua or Jesus he does not see us but his perfect son?

He has taken several away at a young age and I believe for many reason 2 were taken to be with him who I believe will come back in the final days as the 2 at the wall as G_d'a witnesses (Every man is required to die once). Some are taken in mercy as they have suffered a great deal and the L_rd has mercy on their body. Others are taken as a testimony to him. (You seem to elude to this and that is how you came to the L_rd. Baruch Hashem!) Some maybe taken so others may grow us humans tend to rely on men instead of G_d. Then the final and most impressive is thoses martyred for his name. This is where you need to see it in the spirit and how beautiful it is!!!! Let it be know that when this person is with G_d in heaven they will take no credit but will have a crown to cast at the L_ord feet.

May the L_rd Bless you and when your time comes I will see you and your father in the body when we become one with our Yeshua.
